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Waste and Recyling

Waste and Recyling

Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

Gunnedah Shire Council's Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) has been developed to comply with the requirements introduced by the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act) to prepare and implement a pollution incident response management plan.

The objectives of the plan are to:

  • Ensure timely communication about a pollution incident to workers and visitors on site, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), other relevant authorities and community members who may be affected by the impacts of the pollution incident;
  • Minimise and control the risk of a pollution incident at the facility by requiring identification of risks and the development of planned actions to minimise and manage those risk
  • Ensure that the plan is properly implemented by trained employees, identifying persons responsible for implementing it, and ensuring that the plan is regularly tested for accuracy, currency and suitability

Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

Gunnedah Shire Council's Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) has been developed to comply with the requirements introduced by the Protection of the Environment...

EPA Licence Monitoring

The Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act) introduced the new requirement that holders of an environment protection licence make their pollut...