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Community Services

Community Services

Access & Inclusion

Gunnedah Shire Council is working hard to make our region more accessible for everyone, regardless of age, cultural background or ability. We recognise that improving accessibility and fostering inclusion, enhances quality of life for the whole community.

If you have come across any access or inclusion barriers within our community, please contact Council on 02 6740 2100 or Report a Problem here.

Access Working Group

The Gunnedah Shire Access Working Group guides the delivery of inclusion initiatives and plays an integral role in ensuring that strategies within the Gunnedah Shire DisABILIT...

Disability Inclusion Action Plan

Under the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014, all Councils are required to have a four-year Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) in place to demonstrate how they will ensure...

Companion Card

Gunnedah Shire Council, is a registered affiliate with the NSW Companion Card and accepts the Companion Card at the Memorial Swimming Pool and The Civic cinema. As a participa...

Missed Business Guide

Gunnedah Shire Council is committed to championing and advocating for accessibility and inclusion, and ensuring that everyone in our local area is made to feel welcome. Counci...

Tips for Accessible Complaint Handling

In NSW, there are more than 1.3 million people living with disability. The proportion of people with disability is on the rise as the population ages – with close to 40%...

National Public Toilet Map

As part of the National Continence Program, the National Public Toilet Map provides information on over 16,000 publicly available toilets across Australia, including accessibi...

National Relay Service

Are you deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment but need to talk to a Council staff member? Council’s Customer Service staff are trained to accept calls from custome...

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Council is committed to making our website as accessible as possible to all our visitors, including those using our site with: mobile devices assistive technologies such as sc...

Access and Inclusion

Gunnedah Shire Council is working hard to make our region more accessible for everyone, regardless of age, cultural background or ability. We recognise that improving accessib...