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Community Alerts

Community Alerts

Water/Sewer Interruptions

Upcoming planned water and sewer works and interruptions will be advterised in the Namoi Valley independent, and a letter box drop will be conducted to affected building/residences. Residents will be notified of emergeny water and sewer interruptions by a door knock around affected areas, and updates on Council's Facebook Page.

Please report cases of water main breaks, or sewer leakage to Council on 02 6740 2100.

What is a water main?
A water main is an underground pipe that delivers water to the customer's service pipe. In residential areas it usually runs under the street. If a hole or crack develops in the pipe, the water will typically find its way to the surface. When the water main is under pressure, water will continue to flow until the break is repaired.

A leaking water meter should also be reported to Council as soon as possible.