POLICY - Alcohol Free Zone - Suspensions - Adopted 19 December 2001.pdf
136.97 KB
16/03/2021 |
POLICY - Alcohol Possession and Consumption - Wolseley Park - Adopted 9 February 1997.pdf
254.84 KB
16/03/2021 |
POLICY - Arts and Cultural Grants - Under Section 356 - Adopted 12 August 2020.pdf
173.11 KB
31/08/2020 |
POLICY - Asbestos Management - Adopted 15 March 2017.pdf
505.03 KB
21/05/2020 |
POLICY - Asset Disposal - Adopted 20 July 2022.pdf
219.82 KB
23/08/2022 |
POLICY - Asset Management - Adopted 19 July 2023.pdf
230.3 KB
23/08/2023 |
POLICY - Building Over Sewers - Adopted 13 December 2023.pdf
134.84 KB
18/01/2024 |
POLICY - Burning of Vegetation and General Waste - Adopted 13 December 2023.pdf
302.34 KB
18/01/2024 |
POLICY - Business Continuity Plan Management - Adopted 18 March 2020.pdf
172.26 KB
18/01/2024 |
POLICY - Cemeteries.pdf
134.9 KB
15/12/2023 |
POLICY - Code of Conduct and Administration Procedures - Adopted 20 July 2022.pdf
1.5 MB
08/03/2024 |
POLICY - Code of Meeting Practice - Adopted 24 August 2022.pdf
1008.99 KB
13/10/2022 |
POLICY - Community Engagement - Adopted 16 December 2020.pdf
640.14 KB
27/01/2021 |
POLICY - Competitive Neutrality Complaints - Adopted 16 December 2020.pdf
176.71 KB
27/01/2021 |
POLICY - Complaints - Adopted 21 February 2018.pdf
73.02 KB
06/03/2018 |
POLICY - Compliance and Enforcement - Adopted 21 September 2011.pdf
219.78 KB
18/01/2024 |
POLICY - Council Related Development Applications Conflict of Interest - Adopted 15 March 2023.pdf
116.08 KB
19/04/2023 |
POLICY - Councillor and Staff Interaction - Adopted 24 August 2022.pdf
808.79 KB
06/10/2022 |
POLICY - Councillor Expenses and Facilities - Adopted 15 March 2023.pdf
808.36 KB
27/04/2023 |
POLICY - Councillor Professional Development - Adopted 19 June 2019.pdf
171.72 KB
24/07/2019 |
POLICY - Cultural Precinct Venue Hire - Adopted 15 November 2023.pdf
149.5 KB
15/12/2023 |
POLICY - Customer Service - Adopted 19 June 2024.pdf
125.83 KB
25/07/2024 |
POLICY - Debt Recovery - Adopted 19 June 2024.pdf
366.79 KB
25/07/2024 |
POLICY - Delegated Authority - Adopted 15 November 2023.pdf
115.63 KB
15/12/2023 |
POLICY - Development Application Fee Refund - Adopted 15 November 2023.pdf
160.29 KB
15/12/2023 |
POLICY - Drinking Water Quality - Adopted 13 December 2023.pdf
155.01 KB
18/01/2024 |
POLICY - External Community Grants - Adopted 19 June 2013.pdf
44.71 KB
06/03/2018 |
POLICY - Financial Assistance - Adopted 18 April 2012.pdf
40.38 KB
06/03/2018 |
POLICY - Footpath Occupation - Adopted 20 March 2024.pdf
186.47 KB
24/04/2024 |
POLICY - Fraud and Corruption Prevention - Adopted 18 November 2020.pdf
147.21 KB
07/12/2021 |
POLICY - Gifts and Benefits - Adopted 20 July 2022.pdf
638.73 KB
23/08/2022 |
POLICY - Grants - Adopted 15 May 2013.pdf
48.37 KB
06/03/2018 |
POLICY - Grazing of Stock on Public Roads in Gunnedah Shire - Adopted 16 December 2020.pdf
136.8 KB
20/04/2023 |
POLICY - Gunnedah Community Scholarship Fund - Adopted 21 September 2011.pdf
136.9 KB
16/03/2021 |
POLICY - Hardship - Adopted 19 June 2024.pdf
553.26 KB
25/07/2024 |
POLICY - Human Resources - Drug and Alcohol - Adopted 21 March 2012.pdf
125.45 KB
16/03/2021 |
POLICY - Information Technology - Acceptable Usage - Adopted 16 December 2020.pdf
264.7 KB
27/01/2021 |
POLICY - Investments - Adopted 24 August 2022.pdf
715.81 KB
06/10/2022 |
POLICY - Keeping Animals and Birds in Urban Areas - Adopted 21 February 2001.pdf
110.45 KB
16/03/2021 |
POLICY - Leasing and Licensing of Council-owned and Managed Land and Property - Adopted 24 August 2022.pdf
675.17 KB
06/10/2022 |
POLICY - Legislative Compliance - Adopted 20 March 2024.pdf
161.08 KB
24/04/2024 |
POLICY - Local Preference - Adopted 16 December 2020.pdf
208.12 KB
16/03/2021 |
POLICY - Management of Feral and or Infant Animals - Adopted 20 July 2022.pdf
650.48 KB
20/04/2023 |
POLICY - Management Unreasonable Complainant Conduct - Adopted 16 December 2020.pdf
350.96 KB
27/01/2021 |
POLICY - Managing Contaminated or Potentially Contaminated Land - Adopted 15 November 2023.pdf
473.76 KB
15/12/2023 |
POLICY - Media - Adopted 20 March 2024.pdf
265.4 KB
24/04/2024 |
POLICY - Medical Professionals Accommodation Support - Adopted 1 December 2021.pdf
560.49 KB
15/12/2021 |
POLICY - Naming of Public Infrastructure and Public Acknowledgements - Adopted 15 November 2023.pdf
133.25 KB
15/12/2023 |
POLICY - Parking Priority - Adopted 13 December 2023.pdf
140.59 KB
18/01/2024 |
POLICY - Payment of Interview and Removal Expenses - Adopted 6 March 1996.pdf
376.02 KB
20/03/2023 |
POLICY - Permanent Road Closures - Adopted 20 October 2021.pdf
538.7 KB
15/12/2021 |
POLICY - Planning Agreements - Adopted 15 November 2023.pdf
148.2 KB
15/12/2023 |
POLICY - Policy Framework - Adopted 16 August 2023.pdf
211.91 KB
05/10/2023 |
POLICY - Private Works - Adopted 21 June 2023.pdf
228.93 KB
28/07/2023 |
POLICY - Procurement and Tendering - Adopted 15 March 2023.pdf
589.84 KB
27/04/2023 |
POLICY - Project Management Framework - Adopted 20 September 2023.pdf
157.4 KB
27/10/2023 |
POLICY - Public Interest Disclosure and Administration and Procedures - Adopted 1 May 2024.pdf
418.14 KB
08/05/2024 |
POLICY - Records Management - Adopted 20 September 2023.pdf
148.91 KB
27/10/2023 |
POLICY - Related Party Disclosures - Adopted 20 July 2022.pdf
273.2 KB
23/08/2022 |
POLICY - Risk Management - Adopted 20 August 2020.pdf
256.34 KB
31/08/2020 |
POLICY - Safe Child Young Person and Vulnerable Person - Adopted 19 February 2020.pdf
704.99 KB
10/06/2020 |
POLICY - Small Grants under Section 356 LGA - Adopted 21 June 2017.pdf
53.13 KB
20/03/2018 |
POLICY - Smoke-Free Environment - Adopted 13 December 2023.pdf
249.12 KB
18/01/2024 |
POLICY - Social Media - Adopted 20 March 2024.pdf
230.65 KB
24/04/2024 |
POLICY - Statement of Business Ethics - Adopted 15 March 2023.pdf
656.36 KB
27/04/2023 |
POLICY - Terms of Reference for Gunnedah Shire Council Audit Risk and Improvement Committee - Adopted 17 April 2024.pdf
223.03 KB
21/06/2024 |
POLICY - Town Planning - Resource Development - Adopted 15 November 2023.pdf
123.4 KB
15/12/2023 |
POLICY - Town Water Supply Connection - Adopted 13 December 2023.pdf
161.51 KB
18/01/2024 |
POLICY - Use and Placement of Shipping Containers in Gunnedah Shire - Adopted 15 November 2023.pdf
195.86 KB
15/12/2023 |
POLICY - Waste Management - Waste Generated Outside the Gunnedah LGA - Adopted 13 December 2023.pdf
162.25 KB
18/01/2024 |
POLICY - Waste Management Exemption from Charges for Not-for-Profit Charities Orphaned Waste - Adopted 15 November 2023.pdf
225.45 KB
15/12/2023 |
POLICY - Water Conservation - Adopted 13 December 2023.pdf
166.49 KB
18/01/2024 |
POLICY - Water Usage Charge Reduction Requests - Adopted 13 December 2023.pdf
123.54 KB
18/01/2024 |
POLICY - Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country - Adopted 20 March 2024.pdf
136.88 KB
24/04/2024 |