The Community Strategic Plan identifies the long term aspirations of our community. The Strategic Plan covers the next ten years, identifying the outcomes and long term strategic responses needed to achieve the agreed directions and meet the community’s values. It demands strong leadership from Council and working with others to grow our Shire into the future.
The 4 year Delivery Program links the provisions of the long term Strategic Plan with the implementation of the Operational Plan. It is the strategic document that guides the organisations work program over the Councillor’s four year elected term. The Delivery Program sets out clear priorities, ongoing activities and specific actions Council will undertake, within its responsibilities and capacity, towards achieving the community’s outcomes.
The Operational Plan allows for the implementation of key strategic documents, and outlines all of Council’s services activities for the year. Both ongoing activities and specific tasks contribute to the implementation of Council’s Delivery Program. The Operational Plan details the annual Capital Works Program and the annual Fees and Charges as well as containing detail about Council’s revenue policy including rating.
The Strategic Asset Management Plan, Workforce Plan and Long Term Financial Plan outlines Council’s capacity and necessary resources required to manage assets and deliver services into the future. In preparing the resource plans, Council has determined the necessary workforce capacity, financial resources and asset management regime to achieve a sustainable organisation.
Further information on the IP&R process can be obtained by following this link.
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