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Council resolved to sign a Memorandum of Understanding at last night’s Ordinary meeting to enter into discussions with Lianyungang Agricultural Development Group Co Ltd on agricultural trade and investment opportunities within the Gunnedah Local Government Area (LGA). Gunnedah Shire Mayor Jamie Chaffey recently met with the Director of the large state-owned Chinese enterprise, discussing the company’s desire to investigate opportunities, with a specific focus on the establishment of a multi-species abattoir (beef and lamb) in…
Gunnedah’s war on drugs continues, with a collaborative community event staged on Friday to raise awareness of the negative impact of illicit drugs, and the misuse of legal drugs, such as alcohol.  Gunnedah Shire Council, Gunnedah Crime Prevention Working Group and Gunnedah Community Drug Action Team joined forces with Gunnedah resident Judith Law to host the ‘Say No to Drugs Walk’ at Wolseley Park. The initiative was a result of a request made to council…
Gunnedah Shire Council has received funding from the Department of Industry to bring vibrancy to Gunnedah’s CBD through the Future Towns Project. Gunnedah Shire Council is calling on the Gunnedah community to collaborate in projects of activation and street art and murals to bring vibrancy, action and creativity into Gunnedah’s CBD. The Vibrant Precincts Project aims to foster connections, which strengthen cultural identity, and connection to place, in order to create a positive and prosperous…
NAIDOC Week is here, and Gunnedah has celebrations for the whole community to enjoy. From 2 July to 9 July there will be a range of activities sharing Aboriginal culture and honoring the rich heritage of the Gamilaroi people. “NAIDOC is a great celebration of Aboriginal culture, and the Gunnedah community coming together to recognise traditional language is really important” Gunnedah NAIDOC Committee Chairperson Cassy Aldridge said. “We are really excited for the Annual NAIDOC…
Gunnedah Shire Council is once again inviting applications from eligible community and sporting groups for financial assistance under its annual Section 356 Community and Sports Small Grants Program. The program has been in place for more than a decade, and is designed to support the work of local not-for- profits, charitable community and sporting groups and organisations. “The level of funding available under the program is dependent on the project but can be up to…
The next Civic Cinema Sensory Sessions will take place at 5.00pm Friday 21 July 2017 with the family movie ‘Cars 3.’ The Civic has partnered with GoCo and Connections 4 Kids to create a safe, accepting environment for children and young adults with diverse sensory needs.
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Sensory Sessions feature soft sound and low light throughout the movie, free range seating, a quiet corner outside the movie theatre for anyone who…
In yesterday’s budget announcement it was revealed that $8 million dollars has been allocated for the commencement of Gunnedah’s Second Rail Overpass. This is a significant achievement, and an important moment in time given that Gunnedah Shire Council, along with the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) and Transport for New South Wales have been in consultation with the RMS since 2012. Although the project has been committed to for some time, the budget allocation ensures…
At last night’s council meeting, Gunnedah Shire Council endorsed the 2017- 2027 Community Strategic Plan. Council recently completed a wide range of engagement activities to understand the community’s ideas for the Gunnedah Shire, now, and into the future. The feedback, discussions and concerns that were raised have been considered and have helped guide many of the key themes that are represented in the plan. The Community Strategic Plan is the highest level of strategic document…
Did you know that almost half of the house fires in Australia start in the kitchen – all because cooking was being left unattended? To help prevent kitchen fires, Fire & Rescue NSW has released the Keep Looking When Cooking mini mag. Available in cafés, bars, community centres and other locations all over NSW, it features a great collection of recipes from firefighters that will give you the answer to that perennial question – “What’s…
The Staff at Recyclit have had to deal with a 'spike' in needles within the recycling kerbside pickup over the last 2 weeks. The workers at the Material Handling Facility sort through the material by hand and are exposed to sharps injury when the materials are contaminated. The types of Sharps that have been disposed incorrectly are; Needles – hollow needles used to inject drugs (medication) under the skin. Syringes – devices used to inject…