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Keep in Touch

GIPA - Accessing Information and Making an Application

The public may obtain access to information as follows:

  • by searching the Council's website to see if it is already available
  • by contacting Council and requesting the information. Council will advise whether the information requested:
  • is mandatory release information that is readily available and where and how to get the information.
  • should be made available as part of a proactive release of information.
  • can be disclosed through an informal release, for example where no third party personal information is involved.
  • requires a formal access application, for example because consultation with a third party is required.
  • To make an informal request for access to information under GIPA Act Council may require the completion of an "Informal Access to Information Request" form. No fee is required for an "Informal Access" application. Please contact Council on 02 6740 2100.

To make a formal request for access to information under GIPA Act, the Formal Access to Information Request Form should be completed. The Formal Application fee is $30.00 and processing charges may be applicable (there is no GST in relation to these charges). An acknowledgement of such application will be provided by Council within five working days. Download the form below.

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Form - Formal GIPA Access Application.pdf
547.06 KB

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Form - GIPA Informal Access Application.pdf
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If a fee for photocopies of documents provided under the GIPA Act is payable, it will be listed in Council's adopted Fees and Charges and is GST inclusive.

GIPA - Information Available

Council will publish mandatory release, information on its website unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure or do so would impose an unreasonable addit...

GIPA - Accessing Information and Making an Application

The public may obtain access to information as follows: by searching the Council's website to see if it is already available by contacting Council and requesting the informati...