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Gunnedah Moves to ‘Dump Illegal Dumping’

Gunnedah Mayor Owen Hasler has called on residents and businesses to “Dump Illegal Dumping” following the completion of costly clean-ups around Gunnedah in recent weeks.

An estimated 90 tonnes of illegally dumped waste have been collected and disposed during the works, with the bulk having been collected from bushland within the travelling stock reserve located on Wandobah Road.

“Council has spent close to $30,000 removing garbage, demolition waste, car bodies and even had to deal with asbestos that had been illegally dumped” said Mayor Hasler.

“A significant proportion of that money was used to repair fences and build access restrictions which should make it much harder for dumpers to get to their regular dumping ‘hotspots’” Mayor Hasler continued.

“Because illegal dumping is unsightly and reflects really poorly on our region, Council’s efforts to catch those responsible has now been stepped up after the installing a number of portable surveillance cameras at different places across the region” said Mayor Hasler.

Council’s Manager of Building and Environment, Blake O’Mullane, confirmed that ”the surveillance cameras are small, yet are able to record high quality images, day and night, which definitely increases the likelihood that anyone illegally dumping on Council lands will be caught and fined”.

Gunnedah Shire Council is not just relying on cameras to catch dumpers.

Council is also urging residents for their help to report locations where regular illegal dumping has occurred along with any details of actual dumping they may witness.

Illegal Dumping Reports can be made by calling 131 555. The information received will help Council track down and ensure penalties are handed out to those responsible for dumping in the region.

“Preventing illegal dumping is better for the local environment but will also mean the costs Council normally spend on cleaning-up dumping hotspots could instead be spent on our facilities and improving services” Mayor Hasler continued.

“Our message to residents and businesses that may not have disposed of their waste properly in the past is simple. It’s time to ‘Dump Illegal Dumping’” Mayor Hasler concluded.

This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy. 

Images - Gunnedah Moves to Dump Illegal Dumping


Media Contact: Eliza Gallen 6740 2100